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The ride is over.....


Sadly, due to Line Magnetic knowingly placing themselves in direct competition with their international distributors, our local Australian distribution team have made the decision to end their relationship. We at Grizzly Central fully support this move, and are actively seeking an ethical manufacturer who will stand behind their local importer and supply excellent amplification products at a fair and reasonable price. This release is from Line Magnetic Australia only recently-

"To all our valued customers,

It is with great disappointment that we are announcing the termination of our partnership with Line Magnetic in China.

Line Magnetic uses international distributors such as ourselves that invest our time, money and efforts in supporting and promoting the brand, and then sells products directly through many different online websites. These products are sold with little or no support, expecting the same distributors who helped build the brand to pick up the pieces when their products fail.

We were led to believe by the company that the items sold via online websites were fakes, with the factory even producing official signed letters making these statements. However, we recently found out that this is untrue and inadvertently this has made us a party to these lies from the factory by us repeating them. We unreservedly apologise for misleading any customers in this way.

As a direct result of these findings we are terminating our association with Line Magnetic, effective immediately. We cannot and will not be associated with a company that acts in this manner.

For any of our existing customers, we will help with what we can to make sure you are not left behind.

Till next time.




© 2023 Grizzly Works  Proudly Created by Bloom Tree Designs. 

Bridgewater, Adelaide Hills, SA
0404 121 155

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